Preservation of the history of early Oregon and the French Prairie region of the Willamette Valley


Connie Lenzen, CG

Connie is certified by the Board for Certification of Genealogists and is a past president of that organization. She has served as a National Genealogical Society Director (NGS). She authored the NGS Research in the States guide, "Research in Oregon," and has written articles for the award-winning NGS Quarterly. She is a Fellow of the NGS. She has been an instructor in Boston University's online Genealogical Certificate Program.

Connie has served on local and state genealogical societies' boards and provided volunteer service for many other societies. In December 2023, she retired from client work and now enjoys writing biographies of the early St Paul Mission settlers.

French Prairie Pioneer Biographies by Connie Lenze, CG

• Pierre Belleque one of French Prairie Big Four
• Etienne Lucier, a Man of Firsts
• The Gagnons of French Prairie
• Hugh Cosgrove
• Francois Xavier Seguin dit Laderoute
• Francois Rivet, member of the Lewis & Clark Expedition & French-Prairie settler
• Louis Labonte, One of French Prairie's Big Four
• Amable Petit, St Paul Verger, and Suzanne Tawaka, Iroquois Indian, and their family
• Amable Arquette, St Paul mason and farmer
• The J. F. J.Brentano Family
• The Jones Family Pioneers of 1852
• The Augustine Raymond and Jacques Servant families
• Marie (Iowa) Dorion Venier Toupin
• Louis Forcier, St. Paul Church Founder
• JB Desportes McKay, St. Paul Church Founder
• Charlot Tchete, Indian and St. Paul Church Founder
• Charles Rondeau, St. Paul Church Founder
• Charles Plante, St. Paul Church Founder
• Andre Picard, St. Paul Church Founder
• Andre Longtain, St. Paul Church Founder
Pierre Depot, St. Paul Church Founder

Articles by Connie Lenze, CG

• The LaFramboiser Doll Collection
• Hisaye Miyake

Tim Bergquist, PhD

Tim Bergquist is Professor Emeritus of Quantitative Analysis at Bushnell University, formerly Northwest Christian University, where he taught from 1996 to 2015. He served 20 years in the US Air Force, retiring as a Major in 1991. He then completed a PhD in Decision Sciences at the University of Oregon in 1996. His academic background also includes a BS (Mathematics, University of Portland, 1971), BA (History, Northwest Christian University, 2015), MS (Statistics, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 1973), MBA (Santa Clara University, 1975), and MS (Operations Research, Oregon State University, 1985).

Tim is a Professionally Accredited Statistician (American Statistical Association) and a Certified Quality Manager (American Society for Quality). He is a member of three professional organizations, the co-author of one statistics textbook, and the author or co-author of over 20 articles and 50 conference papers. He has also written multiple articles for stamp collecting journals on both United States and United Nations stamps, and numerous historical articles for the Oregon Encyclopedia, primarily about the St. Paul area and Bushnell University.

French Prairie Articles by Tim Bergquist

• Mission Landing
• St. Paul, Oregon
• St. Paul Roman Catholic Church
• Hugh Daniel Burns (1807-1870)
• St. Paul Rodo
• Saint Paul, Oregon Post Office Celebrates 150 Years